Saturday, May 14, 2016

Week 7 Portrait: Christine Lee

Artist: Christine Lee

This self-portrait was primarily inspired by my childhood and growing up as an American-Born Chinese girl and how I identity myself currently. Despite being raised with English, not being able to understand my native language of Cantonese and having no immediate relationship or feelings of dedication, pride, or cultural awareness with China, I accept my upbringing and who I am today. Because of this detached association with China, I could easily be labeled as a “Hanjian” as seen in the bottom banner of my portrait. The term Hanjian is a derogatory word used to describe race traitors to the Han Chinese, which constitute approximately 90% of China. Historically, this word was used upon Chinese espionage spies working for the Japanese during the Second Sino-Japanese War in the 1930’s and 40’s. But I took this hurtful word and embraced it, twisting it into an defining accent of who I am and presented it an eye-pleasing, endearing way with cursive font and hearts.

Using photo reference, I sketched, inked, and then colored the image with a variety of mediums including colored pencil, oil pastels, and markers. I also wanted to illustrate femininity in this piece by including a warmer color scheme and soft, pink background to emphasize my identity as not only Chinese but female as well. If anything, I also identity as Californian, as I have been born and raised here all my life, hence the inclusion of a flower crown of the state’s flower, golden poppies.

With my art, I create works that emphasize the importance of accepting your faults and being able to grow and find genuine value within yourself. It is imperative to love who you are, what you do, and all you have accomplished in order to achieve a happy and successful life.


  1. I really liked that you put so much meaning behind your piece of art. From the sketch to the coloring, it was a great portrait that was followed by an artist statement that explained all the details of it. Even though we talk about mixed-race as a race traitor, even full-race individuals face being a traitor from the environment which they were brought up in. Great piece of work, no need for improvement!

  2. The self portrait and the meaning behind it is amazing. The coloring and the techniques used are great. Even though you are not mixed race, you still are able to bring up the concept of the race traitor. The artist statement does go hand in hand with the artwork. Overall great job!

  3. I enjoyed reading your artist statement and thought that it explained your artwork well! Prior to reading the meaning behind "Hanjian," I thought that it was your name or perhaps something pleasant in Chinese. It never occurred to me that it was actually a derogatory term. Great job on the artwork as well as portraying yourself as a race traitor! I don't really see any need for improvements.

  4. I love how well the artist statement worked with the piece. From the get go, I already noticed the feminine accents and that there was a whole positive and light vibe with the piece in general. So when I read the artist statement, I was able to find out why these certain details are so important to you, and I liked how you included aspects beyond your race. Great job!

  5. I really enjoyed seeing your self portrait and reading your artist statement. I appreciate the explanation you gave abou the word hanjian and what it means. I think your artist statement clearly explains all the aspects of your image and the use of colors. I think this is a great piece. Great job.

  6. You were able to incorporate various aspects into your portrait to which I enjoyed reading in your statement. I did had no idea what "hanjian" meant, so in addition to learning about you, I also learned about another degrading term towards a group of people considered by many, such as Han Chinese as "impure." In terms of your art the color scheme is on point and I loved that each component definitely relates to who you are as an individual.

  7. I like that this piece includes commentary about derogatory language. You take this term and your portrait wears it with pride, which is what being a race traitor is all about. I enjoy it. Great job and the colors are fantastic as well.

  8. First thought was "This definitely looks exactly like you". While reading your statement about the historically context of "hanjian", I am reminded of "The Sympathizer" of how you and the character are apparently labeled as traitor. You are very aware of the cultural influences around you as portrayed in your portrait especially including the California culture. The statement and portrait are tied together well.
